Comic book characters go through character development as much as any movie or book character and through this development these characters can set great examples and lessons that everybody can learn something from.
#5 Believe in yourself - Help Us Great Warrior!
I don't think we need to go further than when the Great Warrior says "Do you hear that? It's the sound of me believing in myself". The Great Warrior doesn't need other people to tell her she can succeed she knows she can succeed.
#4 It doesn't matter if people laugh at you - Aquaman the new 52
Aquaman is often laughed at and made fun of in both real life and the Marvel universe with many jokes referencing Aquaman's ability to talk to fish. despite being told he is nobody's favourite superhero and made fun of he still does his job as best he can and just ignores the haters.
#3 Leadership is difficult - A-Force
Being a leader doesn't mean you just get to tell people what to do, it means you have to solve problems, organize your team and sometimes do the hard jobs. In A-force #1 She-Hulk is forced to banish Miss America despite not agreeing with the decision. She-Hulk takes the brunt of the team's anger and betrayal with grace and dignity, despite not being ultimately responsible for the decision she takes responsibility for it because she is the leader.
#2 You can always learn something - Princess Ugg
Princess Ulga is a warrior princess from the mountains who decides to attend a school to teach princess' proper etiquette and behavior. Princess Ulga doesn't understand the point of learning to walk with a book on her head or proper tea drinking etiquette but she does know that this other way of life can teach her lessons that she couldn't possibly learn from her own culture.
#1 Taking responsibility for your actions - Captain America Civil War
During the Marvel Civil War event Captain America fights against the super hero registration act forcing superheros to register their secret identity with the gouvenrment. SPOILERS After an enormous fight with the pro registration heroes Captain America realizes that despite still believing in his cause it is coming at the cost of the civilians he wants to protect, so he peacefully surrenders. Captain America knows that despite his intentions he has made mistakes and must answer for them.
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