Beware Spoilers Ahead!

My reviews do contain spoilers about the main stories but I do attempt to keep them at a minimum. I will not reveal any major plot points or twists unless stated at the beginning of a review.

Saturday, 21 March 2015

My top 5 irrationally aggravating things in comics

Comic books are wonderful things for readers and for creators they are extremely hard work between art and stories it is incredibly difficult to put together. Like all forms of media I sometimes find myself getting irrationally aggravated at what are really minute things be they story choices or tiny mistakes that slip past editors. These things don't make the comics bad and often don't even make them any less enjoyable but they seem to fill me with unbridled rage for some reason, I possibly have anger issues.


Time Travel

This is how you explain time travel to a nerd
Now don't get me wrong I love time travel but attempting to understand it is just so, so, so very aggravating. Time travel can be fantastic for a story when used well but it can turn a story into a completely muddled mess when overused.


Spider-man in the 90's

*Sigh* Clones. All I'm going to say is Spider-Man in the 90's. The idea of a clone trying to find its way in the world feeling like they don't belong can be a very interesting and touching story but having clones appearing left right and centre is just over doing it.

Eye colours randomly changing

They couldn't find the blue

I know comics are very hard work and especially if there is a large team working on the series mistakes can slip through the cracks and I understand that these things happen but for some reason I find eye colours changing from panel to panel incredibly aggravating.

The "sexy woman/sexy underage woman pose"

physical impossibilities are sexy
Now I'm all for beautiful people in comics (for that matter t.v. & movies too), we want to see sexy women and handsome men in a visual media. As refreshing as it is to see a normal sized person in comics (Think Gertrude from The Runaways) I do understand why most of our heroes are especially good looking. I do not however have a lot of tolerance for these women being in a pose that Mr. Fantastic would find uncomfortable. It is physically impossible for a woman to have her butt and her breasts showing at the same time because the human spine does not work that way, I hate up skirt shots that expose a heroe's underwear, Breasts that are ridiculously sized and weirdly tiny waists. These things aggravate me even more when these are done with an underage girl. Now the age of consent in Australia is 16 years which is a few years younger than a lot of other countries, so if I have to explain to you why it is inappropriate to have a 15 year old super hero dressed like she is attending a fetish show I think you need to rethink your life. I'm not saying that the portrayal of men is not without its flaws (think teeny tiny waists and giant arms) but I'll get to that in a later blog.

Awesome characters become useless

A character one minute is on top of their game and absolutely kicking ass and then suddenly they are turned into an absolutely helpless blubbering mess at the drop of a hat. This happens a lot with female characters especially but males are not immune to suddenuselessness-itis. During the Secret Invasion story Tony Stark (although affected by an illness) is almost talked into believing he is a skrull but the skrull queen when we all know that Tony Stark usually tends to go the "screw you I'm Tony Stark" route. If this breakdown is explained well such as Batgirl's post traumatic stress disorder which she eventually deals with and overcomes I don't find it madly enraging but when a character, who is normally strong and independent, is suddenly completely disabled by either something the villain says or a flashback it makes me want to destroy things with fire.

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