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Monday, 2 March 2015

Chew - It puts the ewwwww in Chew

Chew Volume #1 - Taster's Choice

Chew is written by written and lettered by John Layman, illustrated and coloured by Rob Guillory and published by Image comics. Chew is a wonderfully disgusting comedy/action series that will have you both chuckling and considering vomiting at the same time.

People pull this face when they taste my cooking too.
In a world ravaged by avian flu that killed 23 million people in the USA alone and 226 million world wide chicken is illegal and the F.D.A. (food and drug administration) is the ruling force above both the government and the law. Wow that got really dark really quickly. Tony Chu is a police officer freshly recruited into the F.D.A., who also happens to be a cibopath. Oh what's that? you don't know what a cibopath is? A cibopath is someone that gains psychic impressions and visions from anything they eat, yes it is an entirely made up thing. Tony uses this to help him gain leads and solve crimes. Unfortunately not all crimes involve a nicely prepared meal so Tony ends up munching on severed limbs, human faces, dead dogs, human ashes and some terrible, terrible sushi.

We all know a sushi place like this

The art of Chew is truly something different and has this ridiculous and exaggerated look that just works so well with the series. characters features are exaggerated with large beer bellies, giant breasts, large foreheads and disgusting pimples.
One of the most hilarious things about the art of Chew are the backgrounds with wonderful little Easter eggs hidden in them if you take the time to look. These include a missing poster for Jimmy Hoffa, pictures of Bruce Lee, people vomiting out windows and cameos of famous characters.

Chew is a series of fantastic sarcasm and wit with the character's personalities are as cartoony as the art. This works really well because lets face it we are dealing with a ridiculous concept so having a dark and brooding character like Batman would just ruin the entire theme of Chew.

Chew is a series that is just side splittingly funny that has some surprisingly touching moments as the series continues. Providing you aren't easily grossed out I would recommend Chew to anyone and everyone.

I give Chew 4 out of 5 projectile vomits.

Find out ore about Chew here.

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