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Monday, 3 August 2015

Bizarro #1 - It Am The Worst!

Bizarro #1

Bizarro #1 is an all ages six part miniseries written by Heath Corson, art by Gustavo Duarte & Bill Sienkiewicz, colours by Pete Pantazis, letters by Tom Napolitano and published by DC Comics. Bizarro is an warped copy of Superman, created by Lex Luther, with a child like mind who speaks in a muddled up backwards English. I was a little unsure when I first picked up Bizarro as to what on earth could fill a six issue mini series that wasn't just pretty pictures for kids but I was pleasantly surprised that Bizarro #1 was a fantastic mixture of innocence, comedy and charm.

Bizarro #1 begins with Jimmy Olsen and Bizarro on a road trip together as Jimmy narrates that he is taking Bizarro to "Bizarro America", also known as Canada, as he is causing too much trouble in Metropolis despite his good intentions. Jimmy hopes to publish a coffee table book about the trip but within two hours of leaving Metropolis Jimmy has already decided that this was probably a mistake. After a car accident caused by Bizarro's pet chupacabra, Colin, totals Jimmy's car they come across the evil used car salesman King Tut who uses his mystical powers to hypnotise everybody in town to buy his (slightly) used cars.

The character of Bizarro is just adorable and reminds me of a little brother that follows his siblings around wide eyed, doing their best to help but usually just getting in the way. Bizarro is constantly telling Jimmy how much he likes him in just a way that makes it impossible to not to love him. Jimmy, despite being constantly annoyed with Bizarro, is extremely patient and never yells at him or puts him down making him a really likable character.
Every parent in the world has pulled that face
The art has an endearingly goofy quality to it that seems to fall somewhere between children's book and comic. Duarte & Sienkiewicz have done a really good job making Bizarro's face expressive despite the design of the character not allowing for a huge amount of detail. I love how Colin is randomly placed in panels either sitting on Bizarro's shoulder, hanging off his arm or just watching the commotion from the sidelines, it's adorable.
I want a Colin
I'm not really much of a Superman fan so when I heard about Bizarro I didn't take too much notice and just happened to pick it up because I thought the art looked cute and I wanted to show it to a friend who is a big Superman fan, after reading issue #1 and enjoying it so much I decided that I would just recommend it to her and she could buy her own copy because I wasn't about to hand over mine.

I give Bizarro 4 out of 5 Chupacabras

Find out more about Bizarro here.

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