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Monday, 24 August 2015

The Beauty #1 - Looks To Die For

The Beauty Issue #1

The Beauty is written by Jeremy Huan & Jason A. Hurley, art by Jeremy Haun, colours by John Rauch, lettering & design by Fonografiks and published by Image comics. The beauty is the name of a sexual transmitted disease that effects over half the population, how could a disease possibly become so prevalent?  Worse, why would people intentionally become infected? Perhaps because this disease makes people beautiful and not just good hair day beautiful but perfect supermodel beautiful.

They say die young and leave a beautiful corpse
The Beauty issue #1 begins with an infected beauty on a train coughing up a little blood then suddenly, without warning, bursting into flames. Agent Foster and agent Vaughn, a beauty herself, from the beauty task force head to the crime scene originally reported as a bomb but when they view the strange state of the body it becomes apparent that this was no bomb. The detectives are interrupted by a bio hazard team from the center for disease control removing the agents from the case despite their objections. Foster and Vaughn continue to investigate the case after a suspect on their anti-beauty terrorist watch list becomes active. As the agents chase down the terror suspect he draws a gun and begins babbling about trying to save the beauties and save everyone.

The Beauty has the darker look of a noir style set in modern day with the perfect excuse to have perfect looking, sexy characters. Characters are not highly detailed in most panels with lots of shading over faces and eyes, giving them a dark and somber look but then and faces shown close up are highly detailed showing wrinkles, stubble and sweat on non- beauties and highlighting the perfect features of the beauties. The only thing I don't like about the art is that there are a few panels where characters seem to be missing their pupils, it's weird.
My eyes my beautiful eyes!
The only characters that have had a chance to make an impression in issue #1 is detective Vaughan, who has been reluctantly pulled deeper in the Beauty epidemic than she intended, and detective Foster, a seemingly by the book good cop, good husband and good friend.
Disease hipster?
If you like crime stories and science fiction The Beauty would definitely be a a great addition to any pull list. I'm super excited to see where this comic goes and how it portrays people that intentionally infect themselves with a disease for the purely aesthetic reasons.

I give The Beauty #1 3 & 1/2 out of 5 exploding beauties.

Find out more about The Beauty here.

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