Job Dun, Fat Assassin #1
Job Dun, Fat Assassin is an Australian comic written by Mark Hobby, illustrated by Ben Michael Byrne, colours by Noelle Criminova, letters by Bolt-01. Job Dun is gross, one of the grossest things I've ever read so if you have a weak stomach turn back now and go check out my review of
Huck, if not then read on.
Look I'm going to be honest with you I don't entirely understand what is going on in Job Dun. So far as I can tell Job Dun is an assassin/bounty hunter with an implant in his brain called a Spray Maker that lets the user "spray paint reality". This seems to mean that the user will see an glossed over version of the world with everyone being more attractive than they really are, when its online that is. Dun is hired by Lady Octavia to do a retrieval mission and bring back a man named Conos. Conos is now the leader of a strange cult that Job must now infiltrate to retrieve him.
Spray off Vs Spray on |
The art of Job Dun is, look, I didn't want to review this comic, its gross. The main reason I didn't want to review this comic is because I didn't want to have to read it multiple times and look at how gross it is. I've mentioned before that I'm not a huge fan of toilet humour but when done well like in
The Pro, a comic I recently reviewed, it can work and work well, Job Dun however looks like the inside of a sewage system by comparison. There are boobs on almost every page, to the point that they randomly show up at any point in the comic. I'm normally all for surprise boobs but they need to serve a purpose. Any panel where Dun is not affected by the "Spray Maker" makes the world look grotesque, think dropping a lollipop behind a couch levels of gross. This is actual not a criticism of the artist Ben Michael's art, he does a wonderful job portraying this grossness. Michael's also does a series called Kranburn which is a fantastic post apocalypse series set in Australia which is just so, so good and I'd suggest going to read that instead.
Annnnnnnnd I'm out |
Although I did finish the comic I didn't think much about the characters as I mentally checked out after Dun got splashed in the face with a strippers breast milk. I don't get this kind of humour in the same way shows like Ren and Stimpy never appealed to me, even as an adult but I can see how some people with a slightly twisted sense of humour may like comics like Job Dun.
Oh look sexy nuns, how...... Funny...... |
As for a rating for Job Dun: Fat Assassin I will leave it with, what I feel is a very fitting, quote from the movie Billy Madison: What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
Find out more about Job Dun: Fat Assassin
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